Siberian Husky Puppies 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animal Dog Breeds Husky

Siberian Husky Puppies 2021 Square Wall Calendar

The Siberian Husky’s Arctic ancestry means that this dog loves to roam and explore. The Husky is an outgoing, fun-loving dog quick on its feet and graceful in its actions. This dog’s stunning blue eyes are hard to resist. This square wall calendar features delightful photos of precocious Husky pups.

This calendar includes a free download of the DogDays™ app for the smartphone and tablet, which grants access to the world’s most captivating dog photos and backgrounds, fun puzzles, and a calendar featuring your favorite furry friends.

Check out Siberian Husky Puppies 2021 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar, Animal Dog Breeds Huskies

You can download iOS version of the app here, and Android version by clicking here.